She Knows She Can Do it All.
If She Just had a Plan...
Because Smart Women Have a Plan.
She first began as my blog... then she became an online subscription program... and now she's had a lil' work done and emerged as a printed pocket guide, as well as a larger download version. She's in cahoots with the blog... which brings you tips, how-to docs and special SHE VIP docs to compliment your monthly projects.
There's a method to her madness... She juggles Self, Home, and Endeavors on a rotating monthly basis. She pauses in between to catch her breathe and Maintain the Whole Shebang. She prioritizes and takes into account your emotional attachments... so she doesn't make you go there until you're good and ready. She gets it.
She's a bit sassy, often seen out out + about and does her best to pay attention at her children's sporting events. She loves her husband but wishes he could find the mustard on his own, however his kisses to her forehead easily help her forget his tiny flaws. She's a girl's girl and it wouldn't dawn on her to lie when asked "how does this look?"
She believes in "People over Perfection" and "Taking a Moment to be in The Moment" so don't judge her when she's cutting loose and not keeping the house looking perfect. Because... she's living the life she imagined.
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[The Smart Woman's Guide to Doing it All]
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