Jayne's studio was so fun to work on. Who wouldn't love to be amongst beautiful fabrics, beads, trims and creative company!
Jayne is the creative handbag designer behind www.designsbyjayne.com . She is also a wonderful mother + wife. Her story brings tears to my eyes and I'm proud to be a part of her life. (Look for her story in a future post)
Jayne gave me a ring when she was ready to take her biz to the next level... take a look, I think she's got it going on! Take a look at the BEFORE + AFTER PHOTOS yourself...
My blog has recently been added to www.personalblogs.org, which is part of one of the largest networks of blog directories on the Web. Please visit my blog's personal page to vote for my blog and comment to other blog users.
Ok Chica Chicas... It's time for a fun new [possibly monthly] challenge! Because quite frankly sometimes you just need a lil' kick in the spanx... Introducing the...
You can accomplish quite a lot in 5 Minutes... Trust me... but if you don't or just need some proof take a peeky at these 5 Minute Projects
Let's declare "Now is the New Later", set your timers, and let's knock out some 5 Minute Projects!
Who's with me?!
1. Declare your 5 Minute Project [3 ways- pick one or do all three] [1.Pin the 5 Minutes to Fabulous badge above to your Pinterest Board 2. leave a comment here on this blog post 3. comment on my FB page]
2. Set your Timer for 5'
3. Knock it out!
4. Optional: Post before + after pictures on my FB page facebook.com/kristacolvin.lifestyle[because it's fun to see before + after pics!] If you blog or Pin about your projects let me know... I'd love to link to you!
I'm here for you... knocking out my own lil' projects, because we all know it's more fun to knock out a project or two with a girlfriend by your side and that you're more likely to accomplish something if you write it down...
I'm going to: 1. Fix my Pillows... they all seem to have large holes where I tore off the tags. 2. Sell the leftover items from my daughter's room redo
Did you know that we receive the *same amount of mail in two days that our parents received in two weeks and our grandparents in two months or possibly even two years? *don't know exactly where this stat came from but sounds legit to me!
First, take a deep breath, look at your mail pile and holler and I mean HOLLAH a good
“You don’t control me. I control you!”
This project may just change your life... ok that's going a bit far, but there is a reason this is the first H... home project for those of you that have [The Smart Woman's Guide To Doing it All].
I believe that once you get the mail under control with a system that works for you, you can maintain the incoming paper a lot easier.
So get to it girlfriend. Tackle this one w/a little gusto!
approx. time for initial project: 1 hour +shopping
Piles... most of us have them... it's easy to turn them into what I call an "Organized" Pile. Take a peek at today's AM Northwest segment. If you're looking for some of the items I showed in the segment... check out yesterday's post "Hi, I'm Krista and I'm a Piler".
Got a question? Leave me a comment!
Cheers! Krista
ps.... can you believe how much hair i have now?! #wootwoot #needatrimfeelsallcrazylong This is just a couple of weeks ago on AMNW: Organize the Whole Shebang! Aaand this is last October: Five minutes to Fabulous!
Yes, It's true... I'm a piler. I like piles on my desk while I'm working, I want my stuff close at hand. If it's visible I know it's there, I know it needs to be taken care of. Who's with me on this? I'll spare you the pile pics... it aint pretty.
Oh... those cute products in the above slideshow- those keep me sane + my piling under control. Here, let me explain how I cope with my organizing disability...
For Mail, Magazines, Catalogs, Schoolwork I prefer a shallow wire in-basket. This way my papers are still visible but the pile can't get so big that it's out of control. Like this one.
And these lil' cuties from Ballard Designs.
Some of you may like the solid box option...
I prefer it for papers that don't need to be at my fingertips, more of a 'storage' piece for financial documents. Storables has several color options.
My To-Do Pile... Try using a clipboard to contain these items. You can easily grab it + take it with you from room to room or toss in your tote bag. I'm into shiny aluminum.
Piles aren't just for paper...
The Catch Alls
I'm sure I'm not alone when it comes to blankets being ALL over the couches + floor or the abundance of miscellaneous stuff that is strewn about the family room floor. Nerf Darts strike a cord with anyone? How about socks? Not that I would know about this sort of clutter....
These kind of bins work well + look nice enough to have in every room.
Don't over look...
The Landing Zone
This is the spot where you come in-and-out of your house. It's where the keys, handbag, sunglasses, and stuff land.
If you are in the Portland area...
I'll be sharing my Organized Piling Tips + Tricks with you on AM Northwest. You can watch it live Monday, the 6th at 9am on KATU2 but if you miss it... I'll be sure to post it.
Each day beginning tomorrow, Dec. 30th, I'll post a challenge... and I'll have some fun prizes to give away :)
I'm ready to move forward. It feels good to be working again, it feels good to be myself. It feels good to move on from my breast cancer 'sabbatical'. Thank you for all your support, you have no idea how much it means to me~
Seriously, who really has a room completely dedicated to the occasional guest? Unless you still own your McMansion... you may be like the 99% (couldn't resist that timely political pun) that have to put grandma and grandpa up in the kid's room for Christmas or occupy the den/office.
You needn't completely stress out... nor should your guests feel like second fiddle. When you say "Make yourself at home" that doesn't mean fend for yourself ;) Take a peek at my AM Northwest segment on creating a Guest Room... it will help you work with the space you've got.
PS I hope you find my tips helpful...I can't take full credit... several of the tips were new ideas given to me by my facebook page fans and twitter followers. #muchappreciated ... and if you have some ideas we missed, please add a comment!
I'm a HUGE believer that we can do almost ANYTHING for 5 minutes...
On AMNW today I shared 5 different spaces in your life that you can tackle in 5 minutes. I promise you'll feel more in control and it will take the 'edge' off [almost like a good glass of wine]!
Check out my new timer.. it's quite coolio. Ironically as I was prepping for my segment I couldn't find my timer. I'm not saying I lost it... I'm merely going to go with the story that my kids jacked it so that I couldn't make them do any more '5 minute pick up/clean up' sessions! #maybemaybenot
1) Your Handbag... take 5 to clear out the receipts, trash, and randomness that settles at the bottom of your handbag. You can easily find 5 minutes while you're waiting at the gas pump or stuck in traffic. *note my cute Bagmate available in Camas at The Uncommon Gift.
2) Your Clothes Closet... I dare you to set the timer for 5 minutes and see how many items you can say adios to. *extra points if you have your spouse + kidlets do the same
3) The Mudroom... oh just do it. It's only 5 minutes and you'll feel SO much better. I'm sure the summer items are ready for storage and you can bust out the scarves + mittens for the cold months ahead. *consider adding a "Donation" and "Return Items" bin to this area. It's nice to give those kind of bins their own home.
4) The Drop Spot.... aka My Laundry Room. Grab a couple of bins- 1 for each family member. Place their 'stuff' in their bin and 'force, bribe, dangle a carrot' in front of them to put their belongings away.
5) The Junk Drawer... c'mon do it. It's only junk. Wipe down the drawer while you have it empty.
A Sneak Peek into the home of Professional Organizer Beth Brodsky of New York City, NY and owner of B ORGANIZED, LLC.
I've often wondered how those NYC chicas can fit all their fashionable togs in such small apartments... Now I know. Thanks to Beth for sharing her tips + tricks with my small-closeted readers. We appreciate you allowing us to lurk in your closet!
HER ORGANIZED SPACE: Main Clothing Closet
1)Make sure that every item has its own home. You need a designated area to put jewelry, scarves, belts, bags, etc otherwise they will end up on the floor or hanging over the chaise lounge in your bedroom.
2)Do an analysis of items you use and wear most frequently and put them in easy to reach places. For example I am always accessorizing with necklaces, earrings, and bracelets so I like to see what I have instead of keeping it tucked away in boxes.
3)Use the vertical space in your closet – it is prime real estate!! Most rental apartments don’t have built in closet shelving so it becomes wasted space. Invest in shelving units to double the storage room in your closet.
4)Spend the money and buy nice hangers. Uniform hangers are the key to a neat looking closet.
I wanted to have a whole dressing area with all the pieces I need to get ready in one place. Living in NYC this is no easy fete. I chose the items that I love and wear the most to stay in the closet (shoes and purses that I wear less often reside in another closet or in storage units under the bed). I was diligent about finding space in the closet for all the pieces I need to make a complete look (tops, skirts, pants, accessories, purses, and shoes) and made sure that all items have a specific place to go so that it is simple and fun to put items away at the end of the day. I love the way my closet looks, its like my own little private dressing room – since I am so happy with the aesthetics I am constantly wanting to upkeep and maintain it.
*If you're a professional organizer + you'd like to be featured on "The Organizer's House"... drop me an email and let me know! I've got room for you~
Want more? Take a Peeky into more Professional Organizer's Homes by clicking here.
The kidlets are fully capable of getting ready for school and out the door on time. They just need some guidance. So sit back have a cup of joe and watch the kidlets run out the door...
Ok, who am I kidding. It takes practice+ you to guide them. My segment has some helpful tips but you'll need to bring the bull horn ;)
Here's my worksheet for creating Kid's Routines: Download KIDSROUTINES.SCHOOLAGE The small message board can be placed in their room or on their bathroom mirror as a reminder of what to do + when to do it.
The Kidlets are also FULLY CAPABLE of helping piece together their lunch...
Have your child identify which days they want school lunch... Our school sends home a monthly printout. I have my daughter circles the meals she likes.
Kids don't mind eating the SAME lunch everyday... I think we put all sorts of unnecessary pressure on ourselves to create clever + cute meals. Get over it sister...
Have the kids prep their lunch... Grapes can be washed + placed in the containers + stored in the lowest refrigerator drawer. I also place cheese sticks + their snacks in this 'kid drawer'.
Goldfish/Ritz/Raisins etc can be sorted into the reusable containers or snack bags for the entire week. These can be stored together in a 'for school lunch' container.
I make Peanut Butter + Honey/Jelly sandwiches for the week and freeze them in the plastic containers shown in the above pic.
Puttin' it all together... Lunches can be pieced together by the kidlets- just tell them to do it, but spend a week guiding them through the process. "hey kidlet.. grab a sandwich, juice box, grape container + cracker container, place them in your lunch box... have a great day!"
I was caught off-guard by the fact that my kidlets actually wanted chores + haven't complained 'yet' about doing them. Together we brainstormed what they could do to help around the house. I like the word "Contribute" so I used that a lot during our chat- meaning no money will be attached to their chores.
We visited the craft store... Because I know that 'people tend to support what they help to create' so the kidlet's picked out the paper used to cover their magnet board. They helped glue the DO and DONE onto the clear stones. Then they wanted to show their friends what they made :) 1. Frame, Magnetic 12x12 square, scrap book paper, magnets. Remove glass,place paper, magnetic board in the frame. Add magnets + chores!
Management... I decided to switch out their chores monthly because I don't want to try to remember who's day it is to do what. #paininthea$$
Chore items... I wanted the children to learn how to fully complete a task- for example if they are responsible for taking out the trash cans they are also the person to gather all the trash within the house and place it in the big trash can. They load and unload the dishwasher. The American Picker boys would call this bundling ;)
Cheers to a wonderful + less chaotic school year! Krista
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