I had a coffee date with myself... I spent the time identifying what I'd like to do this school year...
I brought along one of my cute paper journals [because i'm a complete + utter sucker for cute paper products] and then drew a few lines and began brainstorming.
I divided my page into 3 columns with the heading
Self | Home | Endeavors. It's a play on my whole Shebang philosophy... I believe we juggle 3 areas of our lives and I gave them the cute SHE acronym ;)
I then brainstormed what was important to me and items I wanted to focus on this school year... Items that I'd like to add to my life, Projects that need to be addressed.
If you don't have a cute journal,don't fret- I created this cute doc for you to print out and use: Download Shebang she list
After my brainstorm I created 3 pages, each with their own heading: Self, Home, Endeavors. On each page I went a little bit deeper determining some of the steps or specifics of what I meant or needed to do. Here's what my Home page looked like. [it may not make sense to you... but it does to me!]
Now I'm ready to revisit my SHE ROUTINES and add these items to my daily + weekly + monthly routines. I've chatted before about my SHE ROUTINES, these are what keep me sane. And since Summer throws my routines to the curbside it's time to get my groove back on. Time to revisit + recreate my routines. Time to get + stay sane! More about that here.
Here's the SHE ROUTINE VIP docs for you:
*don't forget to include the kid's new sport's schedules into your weeky routines
If you have questions... let me know~ Here's to getting our groove back!
Cheers, Krista
PS if you are having problems opening the docs... Sign up to be a SHE VIP in the upper right hand column and I'll send them to you.
Really enjoyed this entry. You have a very unique way of getting things down on paper and organizing them into your life. Cool!
Posted by: Airtight Storage Containers | September 11, 2011 at 09:03 PM
Hey, this is amazing, being so organized makes you feel so good about yourself, I suppose it is the same with you, isn't it?
Posted by: Stella Holiday | September 14, 2011 at 01:33 AM