I believe in keepin' it simple... and fabulous. And it can be done... pinky promise.
With one trip to the local grocery store and few minutes online... you can whip up a party in no time! Jars and ribbons are from my crafty stash... food + checkered table cloth etc are from the grocery store.
AM Northwest segment showing all these ideas! view it here
Patriotic Pretzels... Dip pretzel sticks in canned whipped frosting then cover in sprinkles. Place in the fridge for a bit before serving. TIP stir frosting well, when dipping pretzel use a swirl method to get just the right amount of frosting. The kids love making these!
Red... The candy aisle is full of red treats! A bowl full of Swedish Fish or use skewers to make 'fishing poles' like my daughter Annie created. She placed a piece of licorice over the skewer then caught a swedish fish. #clever Wrap up pieces of licorice with ribbon scraps.
Patriotic Straw Tags from TWIG & THISTLE
Staw Tags from TWIG & THISTLE
Patriotic Pin Wheels from Family Fun
Patriotic Drink from Family Fun
Patriotic Drink from Family Fun
The kids LOVE making this festive drink.... remember to use ice and pour in this order
1. cranberry juice
2. grape gatorade
3. diet 7-up
[the magic is in the amount of sugar]