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Jayne's Studio

  • Jayne's sewing area after
    Jayne's studio was so fun to work on. Who wouldn't love to be amongst beautiful fabrics, beads, trims and creative company! Jayne is the creative handbag designer behind . She is also a wonderful mother + wife. Her story brings tears to my eyes and I'm proud to be a part of her life. (Look for her story in a future post) Jayne gave me a ring when she was ready to take her biz to the next level... take a look, I think she's got it going on! Take a look at the BEFORE + AFTER PHOTOS yourself...

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January 09, 2011


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Nice post. I love it. Waiting your new posts. Thank you...

Lydia Warren

I am sure you are a strong independent and inspiring woman- devoted to her children and the things that make you happy. The truth about routines is that if we are too deep waded in them, we need to escape from the, and if we lost them for a cretain period of time, we need to get them back to ensure our stability and that we still need to know that we hold the control over the situation.

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