I just posted this over on my 'Putting on my Big Girl Panties' blog.. but wanted to also post it here.
My groove's been thrown off... It typically happens this time of year (and post summer break) because the kidlets have been underfoot and I can't keep my life in order because I'm too busy playing cruise director. But my groove has been off since last March when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. #BAM #lifeshappens
I thrive on routines... simple little routines that keep me sane and keep me from yelling at my family. A couple of years ago I created Shebang 101 to help my clients (and me) get it + keep it together. I've decided I need to get my routines back in order- it's time.
Here's the link to my Shebang 101 page.
click here
I'm going to work on updating my routines to fit my current lifestyle... Would love to have you join me if you're feeling the need to get your groove back on.
Nice post. I love it. Waiting your new posts. Thank you...
Posted by: Devremülkler | January 10, 2011 at 05:15 AM
I am sure you are a strong independent and inspiring woman- devoted to her children and the things that make you happy. The truth about routines is that if we are too deep waded in them, we need to escape from the, and if we lost them for a cretain period of time, we need to get them back to ensure our stability and that we still need to know that we hold the control over the situation.
Posted by: Lydia Warren | June 15, 2012 at 04:29 AM