Day 1 of Chemo [march 24th, 2010]
See I'm fine... I've got my net book, a recliner, by girlfriend Brandie with me... AND I even got the PRIVATE room thank you very much! I'm 3 hours into my 'drip' and have about 1.5 to go before I head on back to the Colvin Casa to be mom. I've got the kidlets covered til 5pm so I can chill for a bit and dinner arriving- life is good chicas ;)
I didn't sleep well last night. I barely got my 'pre' chemo meds as I spent time talking to my girlfriend while sitting in front of the store, not bothering to see what time the pharmacy closes... *oopsy*. So when I reached the pharmacy I had a mild panic attack that I wasn't going to get the nausea meds + I wasn't going to be 'following the rules'. But joe-pharmacist had not left the building, he saw my anxious face, and heard my screams of "oh my god, i start chemo tomorrow and i need those meds!". I left the store w/meds + popscicles- vicki [childhood chica/survivor] told me big sticks were her fav. But I can't seem to find Big Sticks in the PNW.... if anyone can check your local freezer section let me know if they are hiding there!
But here I sit... in my private room.... OH... need to tell you how I scored the private room. I mentioned before our local paper The Columbian is following my journey, with promises to spread info, resources, + all the journalistic things I'm not trained to do. Because I've got a small entourage- Erin the writer, Troy the photographer, Vicky the marketing gal for NW Cancer Specialist, Brandie my girlfriend + earlier Mike my hubby, they decided we might scare the other patients ;) and I'm sure there's some kind of privacy issue as well- like I care about privacy.
So... I'm fine really. Ok, TODAY, I'm fine. Tomorrow has a mind of it's own.