I met with a book publisher this past week. I wasn't sure what I was pitching to her... since I'm in this limbo stage of being a lifestyle expert/cancer fighter. I opened our convo with "There's the book I should write and the book I'm writing". She listened, asked me questions, and concluded that during my 'transformation' I shouldn't take on a project but 'just be'. Allow myself to let the transformation happen and see what it brings me. See what I'm passionate about. #greatadvice
I was a bit surprised when the publisher was more interested in my "Organize the Whole Shebang "lifestyle plan... and how I've broken it down into 3 areas: self, home, endeavors. She liked the holistic approach. This is the book I meant when I said there's a book a should write. But during this cancer fighting phase, 'should' has taken on a new meaning and there is a limited amount of 'shoulds' in my life.
It's also difficult to just 'be' when my main game is 'doing'. But doing has taken a back seat. I'm not up for doing, it doesn't appeal to me. My chemo treatments have put a kabosh on doing. Being is the the new doing ;)
I appreciated Cynthia's insight. It's given me somethings to ponder. I'm currently not passionate about organizing and spreading my plethoria of tidbits and wisdom. However I am realizing that many of the things I professed to my clients and readers are also words of wisdom that I'm now whispering to myself. Maybe listening to my self is part of being, part of the transformation.
I've been whispering "take a moment to be in the moment".