American Cancer Society learn about breast cancer
Susan G. Komen for the cure all sorts of detailed info
Lotsa Helping Hands Create a free of charge, private, web-based community to organize family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues – a family’s ‘circles of community’ — during times of need. Easily coordinate activities and manage volunteers with our intuitive group calendar. Communicate and share information using announcements, messages boards, and photos.
Breast Friends Premiere Resource for Women and Families Facing a Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, or Other Women’s Cancers.
"Every woman in America will be touched by breast cancer in her lifetime. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. The other seven will know her. Our goal is to reach the seven in order to help the one." - Becky Olson and Sharon Henifin - Founders of Breast Friends
Brenda Kay Hair Specialties Specializing in hair loss due to medical treatment.
Annie & Isabel Designer hospital gowns... just because you have cancer doesn't mean we can't dress cute!