Whilst sitting at my favorite cafe twittering away I had an epiphany....
I got cancer because I stopped forwarding chain letters.
It began back in the late 70's when a chain letter had to be handwritten, hand addressed, stamped + mailed. It got old or I got older.
In the 90's it was the email chain letter... easier but annoying. #delete
The '00's brought requests for recipes... add your recipe, add your name, blah blah blah. #notgoingtohappen
It's 2011... so nice of you to post a Facebook 'beautiful woman' message on my page... but nope I won't send it to 10 beautiful ladies. #notthatyouaren'tbeautifuljustdon'twanttodoit
So is this what happens to a chain letter rebel
( ) ( ) ---> ___ ___ ? Maybe I should have covered my tracks... #justincase
Subject: Good Luck! (fwd)
Author: Krista Colvin [putting on my big girl panties and kicking breast cancer in the ass]
Date: 5/17/11 12:36 PM
(o)(o) ( + )( + ) (*)(*) o o ( ^ )( ^ ) (o)(O) \ o /\ o / ( )( ) ___ ___
This message has been sent to you for good luck. The original
is in New England. It has been sent around the world nine times. The
luck has now been sent to you.You will receive good luck within four
days of receiving this message - Provided you, in turn send it on.
This is no joke. You will receive good luck in the mail. But no
Send copies to people you think need good luck or need to get a mammogram. Don't send money as
fate has no price.Do not keep this message. Do a Self Check within 96 hours of this message. Then send this letter to 20 of your friends.
A United States Air Force Officer received 470,000 Dollars. Another woman received 40,000 Dollars and lost it because she didn't do her monthly self check.
Whereas in the Philippines, more bad things happened because you had better things to do than forward an email - After a few days you will get a surprise
This is true, even if you are not superstitious.
In 1987, The message received by a young woman in California was very faded and barely readable. She promised herself that she would retype the message and send it on, But she set it aside to do it later. #NOWistheNEWlater She was plagued with various problems, including a small lump in her right breast.
The letter did not leave her hands within 96 hours. She finally typed the letter after visiting her obgyn and got a call saying her results were clear.
Good Luck but please remember "The sooner you feel the lump the luckier you get" : 20 copies of this message must leave your hands in 96 hours... You must not sign on this message...
PS Please take the time to do a Self Exam or schedule your annual mammogram. Because Breast Cancer affects approx. 1 out of 8 women. I'm one of them.