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I mentioned earlier + briefly that our local paper The Columbian was following my story. Today the paper hit the matt. I had planned on it being a big feature but I wasn't prepared for the reply I got tonight when I ran up to the mini-mart to grab some copies to send my parents + my best friend. [my mama doesn't do the net].
I placed 4 copies on the counter and the gal said something like "It must have something good in it". My reply, as I flipped the paper over, pointed to the front page bottom banner + waved my hand in front of my chest "It's a story on my breast cancer". She immediately replied "Congratulations!" as if it was a good thing.
What? Did she not hear me.... BREAST CANCER. Not my business was just featured. Not my home is on the garden tour. B R E A S T C A N C E R do I need to spell it out?
The next question was debit or credit...