wasn't really expecting this yet...
I'm not the girl that clogs the shower drain. However that may be changing.
I noticed earlier today that after I ran my fingers through my hair I had a few long full length strands weaved through my fingers. And then a few more later... and a few more. Thinking [read hoping] that maybe it's just falling out because I didn't wash it yesterday. Or it's falling out because hair does that.
I went on a walk today with a couple of girlfriends, had coffee, poked around at the local nursery, sat on the patio with my friend.... basically putting off a shower. Because when you shower, you wash your hair + more could fall out.
So..... I did. Aaaaaaand I wasn't' really prepared for the exodus from down under. That made it real. Real as in.... I'm not imagining my hair is coming out in long full length strands. Because what was washing off had nothing to do with my earlier dangling strands between my fingers. #ewww #yuck #sorryifthat's2muchinfoforyou #dealwithitcuzit'smybodnotyours
I decided to just shampoo + not conditioner. Why put the extra pressure on my 'strands'. I shaved my pits + legs because it may be the last time for a while.
I checked my arms to see if those tiny hairs were jumping ship. [nope, not yet] But little curly whirly in their twirly whirly were not asking for a ride. #creepy
When I wrapped my hair in the towel I was extra gentle... extra gentle even squeezing the water out before putting on the towel.
Left towel on for a long time... decided to clean out my hair brush to assess how much hair will come out when I brush it. That's what you see above. It's not a lot per se... but it's only the beginning. My beginning. The part I'm MOST not looking forward to. [as if you look forward to cancer side affects]
Time for some big girl panties.
Picked up my phone, called my gal Stacy James + let her know it was time for a shorter sassier cut. Head Shaving is now on the horizon.
Also need to move up the wig shopping date... #pronto
I'm not going to blow dry my hair.
Aaaand the school bus will be here in a couple of minutes. #later.... #nowwheredidiputthatsupermomcape
my tweets during all this.... [this is what a tweet looks like]