I had my appt w/the surgeon today. I futzed around killing time [twitter, facebook, coffee, visit to the lily girls, gave Callie my pumpkin orange curtains + rugs, went to camas produce, pretended i wasn't just days out from being diagnosed with cancer] til' 1:45pm.
I picked up my hubby from work + headed to the medical office. My husband loathes driving by the hospital- we lost his mom 10 years ago, his father had an awful accident and the hospital gives him the eebie jeebies. sorry... i'm off track (squirrel)
After filling out the paperwork... which for me is mostly lines down the NO column it was weigh in time. I asked hubby to turn his head... he didn't need to see the ugly side of this now does he ;)
Room 17... new, crisp, tiny little room 17. This group just moved into their new space. Fresh paint, lame artwork but cloth instead of paper robes. Nice touch. Surgeon apologized for his messy box laden office [he knows I'm an organizer]
Did you see The Office last week when Pam's lactation specialist was male... now picture me learning how to do my own breast exam from my male surgeon. Yes, hubby was in the room. How is that my hubby missed this scene... because I was finding this whole experience to be rather humorous!
Ok, Ok...you want to know what he said. The MRI shows another spot on my breast. Same boob, different quadrant. Lower, deeper around 7 o'clock... the other lump is at 10 o'clock. [if you were facing me the top of my boob would be high noon ;) ] This means another biopsy to see how if that lump is cancerous. The current lump was funky looking... not round, but had crazy edges about the size of a paper clip by a paper clip by half of a paper clip.
The lymph node didn't look good- even though the initial test said negative he said the test they do isn't that great... and if someone where holding a gun to his head he's say it's positive. [ i quietly put my pistol back in my fabulous handbag]
We chatted options, scenarios, percentages. But the wild card on treatment + giving the cancer a grade [stage etc] depends on the node.
My current thoughts if you're going to take 1 booby, take 'em both. I don't want to walk around in a bra supporting big betty while flat betty gets roughed up by an under wire. Big Betty also will worry me to death taunting me with thoughts of lumps, bumps, + a repeat.
What's next:
Biopsy is being scheduled... next monday unless i can get them to slide me in tomorrow or friday.
Need results from biopsy so that I can meet with the Oncologist (cancer doctor) which may not be until the 25th (2weeks from now) unless I can squeeze that biopsy in early!
Thursday of next week the surgeon + the rest of the surgeons in his group conference on my case.
Meet with surgeon again to determine what kind of surgery I'll be having.
Thinking I need to plan a ta-ta to the ta-ta's party.